Saturday, November 22, 2008

Update on the 3 little brothers

Yesterday afternoon while at the office I would periodically check my personal email hoping to hear from our adoption worker. Well, we did. They sent back answers to the many questions we had asked about the three little brothers. After reading the responses, I simply couldn't wait until the end of the day to tell Mama T; so I called her work and asked that they page her & have her to call me.

She called, we talked about the answers they provided and decided that, Yes we did want to ask to be considered in a Best Interest staffing. So I emailed our adoption worker back and also left her a voice mail regarding the BIS.

I would post pics of the boys but since its not anywhere near being official, and privacy issues, we will reserve that for another post! You'll just have to take our word for it....they are all cuter than a bug's ear! Too adorable!

Update on Tamala's (dog-bitten) nose -

Tam's nose is healing very, very nicely. A vast majority of the redness around the wound has gone away and she's commented today that it is really itching. I told her that is a good thing because it means it is healing. She is due to get her stitches out tomorrow before Church at the ER.

Quote for today:
"You are the only person on earth who can use your ability" Zig Ziglar



Three little boys will fit perfectly into the Palmer Clan... brings back memories of three other little boys that came to live at our house...all the toothless grins, dirty faces and banged up knees... they can surprise you with all their energy, creativity so that you never know what will happen next. No matter how old they are...5 months or 49 years old, they melt a Mama's or Gramy's heart every time with their sweet smiles and the sound of their voices.


Three little boys would fit right into this Palmer Clan. It hasn't been too long since there has been three other little boys running around our house...well, maybe its been quite a while. Boys can steal your heart and your love