Saturday, November 15, 2008

3,2,1....Ignition....Launch - we have launched into cyberspace

The first post. After creating the name and framework of this blogspot approximately 18 months ago, I have, finally, decided to post something.

I have no idea where this blog will go, the journey should be interesting. No telling what forks in the road will be encountered from here forward.

I can say one thing, I've really received my inspiration to finally begin blogging because my younger brother has an absolutely incredible blogspot. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading his blogs over the last couple of years. I have been able to keep up on his ever-expanding family. I have experienced pure joy by reading about his children and their antics, shenanigans, and whatever else their little minds can come up with to surprise and entertain us. It has helped me immeasurably because we live a few hundred miles away and I cannot see them and hug them as much as I would like. It's how I've stayed "plugged in".

My wife and I are in the processes of adopting. It has been a long and enduring time. We have completed all the required parenting courses several months ago. We've completed the required Homestudy with the adoption agency we're going through which happens to be the State of Kansas.

We believe our "mission" is to help preserve a family while creating one of our own. We have made it known to our adoption agency that we would like to adopt a sibling group. We are trusting God to bring us the children He intends for us to parent and to be their "forever family".

So, bear with me, over time this post may become a sounding board to vent frustrations with "the system". I am always asking myself what can I learn in situation. I believe the one thing I am definitely learning during this adoption process is PATIENCE!

We may post our thoughts ranging from spirituality, family, food, finances, politics and prayer to whatever may drop into the mental realm at the moment. Please know this, that at my core, I am an "exhorter". I will exhort those whom I love and care about to become everything God is destined you to be!

Let's keep this a little short. It is not my intent to tell my entire life's story at this point. Everyone's time is valuable; including mine.

Be abundantly blessed! May God's annointing be so poured out upon your life that His presence will pour out from you into the lives of all those you come in contact with and they will able to experience the love of God by and through you.


The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

welcome to the blogosphere!

-aireamh tri


Welcome from Winter Woman. I will enjoy reading what you have to share. On the adoption process, please keep us updated. I believe the Lord has already picked out special children for you & our future mama.