Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the story of ....Rindercella and the Prandsome Hince

I used to love to hear Archie Campbell tell his stories on Hee Haw as a kid. I can't tell you elated I was when I found it on YouTube.

I would especially like to dedicate this to my youngest nieces and nephews or as Archie would say it: my neautiful bieces and nandsome hephews - Landison, Meah, Nameson and Joah!

Love you all!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Totally TERRIFIC time with the Tots!

Okay, sorry...but I couldn't resist the alliteration. It might sound cheesy but we really did have the best time with our nieces & nephews earlier this week. REWIND.......

Friday, March 20th the wife and I piled into the F150 after work and headed toward Duncan, OK with planned stop over in Winfield, KS. We planned on taking our Toyota Corolla but Friday morning the check engine light came on and we took it to the local mechanic's garage for repairs. We arrived at Tamala's Dad's house that evening and visited a bit and then retired for the night. We took him and his "lady friend" to breakfast Saturday morning at a little Bistro place there in Winfield. They have decent food and quaint atmosphere for Winfield and what it has to offer otherwise. Then we piled back into the truck and headed for the Palmer Kingdom in Duncan, OK, US of A to visit the "Royals".

You see the eldest lassie in their clan was having a birthday! Her Royal Highness the Drama Princess, Princess Madison, was turning six years old! She has grown so very tall over the last few years. There was a birthday party being held at the local bowling alley and many of her little friends came and had themselves quite a time. Of course her younger sister, the Prosecutor - Princess Leah, brothers Prince Jameson and baby Prince Noah were all in attendance as well. For those readers not familiar with these titles, they are borrowed from their father's blogsite - The Extended Table - who consistently writes about current events that happen within his "kingdom". Her Dad, had made her a Barbie cake to take to the bowling party along with some ice cream cones with cake baked inside. I helped him finish frosting the ice cream cone cakes with the cream cheese icing. I had never seen this done before but they were perfect for all the little ones to hold and get to enjoy birthday cake. Once the icing was on, they looked like real ice cream cones. So after the party we all go back to their house and Madison received a few gifts. Since she was the birthday girl she got to choose where we went to eat that evening. Well, wouldn't you know, she chose The Olive Garden! Duncan doesn't have an Olive Garden so we all piled in the family van and went to Lawton, OK and had a great time and delicious meal.

We enjoyed our time so much with the family! Little Noah will be turning one in mid-June just a couple of days before his older brother Jameson turns three! So I imagine we will be planning another trip down the Royals palatial estate to party down again! We enjoy them now while they're small because they grow up way too fast. Our eldest nieces have been married almost four years now and they've been having babies of their own. They grown up just too fast.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm going out on a limb here

I've been contemplating this for some time and recently when a speaker at function I was attending alluded to it, I figured I might as well go on record.

I have been probably considering this since before the last Presidential election, the tax exemption status of the "church" here in the the good ole USA. I've heard it said that Pastors, Priests, Rabbi's or whatever you call your local spiritual leader, cannot make certain kinds of statements to those that attend their services. I.e, they cannot endorse a political candidate and if they do they can have their tax exempt status revoked. I think there may be some other topics they cannot touch on either. If the gay & lesbian machine keeps pushing their agenda of being designated as a recognized minority group, and they will, I could see the day come requiring churches to employ openly GLBT people. If a church took stand against this they would have their tax exempt status pulled. Well, I say.......

GIVE IT BACK NOW! I really don't think its too far down the road anyhow. I also think that we as tax paying citizens will lose our tax credit for contributions to our places of worship. There, I've said it! It's on paper (figuratively), it's on purpose.

How do I feel about that? I will continue to pay my tithe because the Word of God tells me that He will supply all of my needs, according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. I was reading a commentary a few days ago and the author made a remark that the concept of the "tithe" was in practice even before the Law (Mosaic Law). The Old Testatment will tell you that Abraham practiced the tithe well before Moses took pen & parchment and wrote the Law. This is something on which I am still contemplating, meditating, mulling over, etc. I think I should go back even further in "time" to Adam & Eve's sons. Of course I will need to go back & read it again but if my memory serves me I think Cain & Abel fell into their diversity over their sacrificial offerings to Lord God Jehovah. Was this not their tithe? Yep, I need to go back and study up on this. I guarantee you neither Cain & Abel, Abraham, Moses or any of the rest of them got a "tax deduction" on their monies given to the Lord. The Lord took care of them and blessed them abundantly!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

a little update

It doesn't seem possible that a month has elapsed since my last post. Things have been moving along here at the Palmerosa of Kansas City. We have been taking a very long time to prepare a bedroom upstairs for the impending adoption. It all started maybe three years ago when Tamala and my mother began peeling off the wallpaper in this particular bedroom. There wasn't a "plan" for the room we just knew that we hated the wallpaper. When you don't have a "plan" it is really hard to "work the plan" so it hasn't been a high priority. Well, sometime last summer I think it was I went ahead and tore the drywall out. I'm glad I did because it settled a question I have had since we bought this house. It seemed the utility bills were pretty high. The reason is that there isn't any insulation in the walls! We insulated the attic last May because there wasn't any insulation in the attic either. So after we hauled out the 18 large bags of busted up drywall, I bought some insulation rolls and finished the insulation job in the bedroom.

Now we have new drywall, carpet padding with new carpet and new paint. The only thing left to do is finish the trim work. So, it's very close to being finished.

The funny thing about this whole process is that we don't even know if the child or children we end up adopting will be placed in this room. We don't know if we'll end up with an infant(s) or toddlers, or pre-teens or just exactly what or how many. We don't know if we should paint pink or blue, buy stuff for a girl or boy's room. So, we'll just wait. We have money saved up and it won't be a problem to go on a massive shopping spree!

Since Spring represents the season of new beginnings, growth and propogation; I would like to think this Spring will hold special significance for us.

If you read this before Thursday, March 5th you might find it interesting that we will once again be considered in a Best Interest Staffing for a 10 year old little girl. We just want God's perfect will in this whole ordeal and pray that little Elisabeth will get the parents that God intends for her to have.
